My approach as a beginner to macro photography comes with subtle stances at a very simple collection of peripheral whereabouts of my house.
This is a practical approach and will consist of my own little experience with macro photography experiments.
My approach as a beginner to macro photography comes with subtle stances at a very simple collection of peripheral whereabouts of my house.
This is a practical approach and will consist of my own little experience with macro photography experiments.
octave:1> x.a = 1; x.b = [1, 2; 3, 4]; x.c = "string";
octave:2> x.a
ans = 1
octave:3> x.b
ans =
1 2
3 4
octave:4> x.c
ans = string
octave:5> x
x =
a = 1
b =
1 2
3 4
c = string
7.Variable-length argument lists
Octave has a mechanism for handling functions that take an unspecified number of
arguments without explicit upper limit. To specify a list of zero or more arguments,
use the special argument varargin as the last (or only) argument in the list.
function s = plus (varargin)
if (nargin==0)
s = 0;
s = varargin{1} + plus (varargin{2:nargin});
8.Variable-length return lists
A function can be set up to return any number of values by using the special return
value varargout. For example:
function varargout = multiassign (data)
for k=1:nargout
varargout{k} = data(:,k);
9.C++ integration
It is also possible to execute Octave code directly in a C++ program. For example,
here is a code snippet for calling rand([10,1]):
#include <octave/oct.h> ...
ColumnVector NumRands(2);
NumRands(0) = 10;
NumRands(1) = 1;
octave_value_list f_arg, f_ret;
f_arg(0) = octave_value(NumRands);
f_ret = feval("rand", f_arg, 1);
Matrix unis(f_ret(0).matrix_value());C and C++ code can be integrated into GNU Octave by creating oct files, or using the MATLAB compatible MEX files.
Conclusion:Majority of the features similar to MATLAB are debuted by this open source, free software
and thus GNU Octave can be fully utilised by an Engineer and other interested fellow doing mathematical computations in higher levels.
Thus it is a very useful, and proven alternative for MATLAB alongside SCILAB and has been providing a truly remarkable service over the years and years to come.
#include <stdio.h>
int maim()
int p,r,t,int_amt;
printf("Input principle, Rate of interest & time to find simple interest:\n");
printf("Simple interest = %d,int_amt");
return 0;
My approach as a beginner to macro photography comes with subtle stances at a very simple collection of peripheral whereabouts of my house...
Hey I am a class 11th science student and a fellow science researcher.You'd doubt that but I'm totally crazy about science and fallen in love with science.Books are my favorite friend and so are my parents.
Hi there, I'm pursuing Electrical Engineering and a lover of Science both fictions and applications.I love imaginative ideas and create something out of those ideas.
Analysis of Phenomena related to various dimensions of science regarding both history and possible futuristic technology.